It is important to care for a real Christmas tree to obtain maximum safety, enjoyment and longevity over Christmas. Even though Noble Fir and Nordmann Fir Christmas trees are non-shed, they are a real Christmas tree so it is also important to realise that they, like real flowers, will dry out and die more quickly if they are not kept properly watered. A regularly watered Christmas tree will not only retain its fresh appearance and fragrance, it will also pose less of a fire risk as a well-watered fresh tree does not sustain combustion well.
Steps to maintaining Safe & Healthy Christmas Tree
- If you do not already have one be sure and purchase one of our great looking water stands before going home with your tree.
- If you care not going to stand the tree immediately when you get home place the tree in a bucket of water (or use the water stand) in a cool area or preferably outdoors. If you have left the tree for a long time out of water you should cut a sliver of wood off the base before placing in the water stand so the tree will have the ability to take up water. Don’t cut off too much (1cm should do) if you have a predrill hole.
- When ready stand you tree in your desired location. with the water-stand and fill with water. Try and keep it away from direct heat sources.
- You will be surprised how much water your Christmas tree will take up. Initially, it may require 3 litres or more of water in the first day or two. After that, expect that it will require 1 litre or more per day, depending upon its size. Do not let the water level drop below the bottom of the stem.
- Finally, do not forget to unplug tree lights before going to bed or whenever the tree is unattended.